Questionnaire deficiency
- Party
- Party type
- Importer
- Submitted
- 16 Oct 2024
- Published
- 08 Nov 2024
Interested party submissions
- FW d i.docx (12KB)
- a6 q 3 4 i.docx (13KB)
- A6Q2Accountingperiodchange-V1.pdf (79KB)
- FW d ii.docx (12KB)
- cv q2.docx (13KB)
- O Licence. Non Confidential.PDF (331KB)
- org chart.docx (14KB)
- Contract.docx (13KB)
- Contract.docx (13KB)
- B3 q2.docx (13KB)
- B3 q2.docx (13KB)
- Management Report.docx (13KB)
- a6 q 3 4 accounts.docx (12KB)
- A7Q2Mannolcatalogue2024Iwebpdf-V1.pdf.lfs (0KB)
- a6 q 3 4 accounts.docx (12KB)
- cv q2.docx (13KB)
- B3 q2.docx (13KB)
- B3 q2.docx (13KB)
- a6 q 3 4 accounts.docx (12KB)
- a6 q 3 4 accounts.docx (12KB)
- a6 q 3 4 accounts.docx (12KB)
- a6 q 3 4 accounts.docx (12KB)
- B3 q2 i.docx (13KB)
- A2Q4MannolUKPartnerCertificateAug23Aug24-V1.pdf (229KB)
- NC AD0059AntiDumpingImporterQuestionnaireLubriageLtdNONCONFIDENTIALV2OCTodt-V1.odt (123KB)
- NC AD0059AntiDumpingImporterAnnexIILubriageLtdNONCONFIDENTIALV2OCTods-V1.ods (184KB)
- A2Q4MannolUKPartnerCertificateAug22Aug23-V1.pdf (224KB)
TRA documents
- AD0059 Anti-dumping importer questionnaire - updated.odt (86KB)
- AD0059 Anti-dumping importer Annex II.ods (31KB)
- AD0059 Anti-dumping exporter Annex II.ods (56KB)
- AD0059 Anti-dumping domestic producer questionnaire - updated.odt (103KB)
- AD0059 - Change to PCN table - Note to public file.pdf (118KB)
- AD0059 Note to public file - business and consumer survey.pdf (128KB)
- AD0059 Anti-dumping exporter Annex I.ods (19KB)
- AD0059 Anti-dumping other interested party and contributor questionnaire.odt (25KB)
- AD0059 Anti-dumping domestic producer annex.ods (43KB)
- AD0059 Anti-dumping exporter questionnaire - updated.odt (120KB)